Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The Year Ahead

The year 2011 has several things working for our sector in particular . We can clearly see an upward spiral in terms of demand for commercial space . We see a rise in the influx of foreign entities as well as new requirements for already existing ones . The key to thriving in this very interesting and vibrant year is most clearly : FOCUS or shall I say MICRO FOCUS . we , at JTCPL Designs have always been loyal students of Corporate and Banking Interiors and we will continue learning and consuming all the knowledge which these sectors have to offer . Metaphorically speaking , we choose to be 'cardiologists' of the corporate sector . In literal sense , it also means being cognisant to the 'heartbeat' of this sector . I am intrigued by how diverse practices can be , an aspect which I do not see coming soon . One thing which I admire about the medical sector is their loyalty to the chosen discipline for eg. a neurosurgeon won't go about doing an open heart surgery just to make her repertoire more versatile . She sticks to her knitting and keeps on studying the nuances and advances in the chosen area of study . I think I have made the point or rather our point very clear .

I wish to share our line for 2011 before signing off " Say NO to GROW " ..............Cheers and till next time , keep studying !!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Innovation in Furniture Design

When aesthetics meets utility we see real innovation.
Furniture is one area of design that is seeing a lot of experimentation today. From using sustainable material to brilliant ideas to save space, we see it all around us.
One such example that has the added feature of working with sustainable material has been featured on this post.
Please add more such excellently designed furniture if you know of any and tell us what you like best about the design.

Talk about a thin folding chair, this one by Christian Desile is less than an inch thick when closed. Maybe you like the sustainable bamboo, or maybe you’d like the Black/White Laminate, which can be opened up either way so you can choose the preferred color. Also worth mentioning is that the chair can be hung on the wall when closed as a sort of graphic wood artwork (if it’s to your taste). What’s most impressive though is that 100 chairs closed and stacked side by side takes up only 2 linear meters.

More examples of innovative furniture can be seen at -