The year 2011 has several things working for our sector in particular . We can clearly see an upward spiral in terms of demand for commercial space . We see a rise in the influx of foreign entities as well as new requirements for already existing ones . The key to thriving in this very interesting and vibrant year is most clearly : FOCUS or shall I say MICRO FOCUS . we , at JTCPL Designs have always been loyal students of Corporate and Banking Interiors and we will continue learning and consuming all the knowledge which these sectors have to offer . Metaphorically speaking , we choose to be 'cardiologists' of the corporate sector . In literal sense , it also means being cognisant to the 'heartbeat' of this sector . I am intrigued by how diverse practices can be , an aspect which I do not see coming soon . One thing which I admire about the medical sector is their loyalty to the chosen discipline for eg. a neurosurgeon won't go about doing an open heart surgery just to make her repertoire more versatile . She sticks to her knitting and keeps on studying the nuances and advances in the chosen area of study . I think I have made the point or rather our point very clear .
I wish to share our line for 2011 before signing off " Say NO to GROW " ..............Cheers and till next time , keep studying !!
I wish to share our line for 2011 before signing off " Say NO to GROW " ..............Cheers and till next time , keep studying !!